21 mars 2010


Heey igen :)
Long time no seeee..,.

Min data har inte lyckats komma hem,..
Och nu har min kamera pajat.
HUR lyckades jag med det ?
Fooooor tusan asssa !

Men iaf., jag lovar att jag kommer att blogga mkt mera - det kommer,. im waiting for it to... !

Im totally bored without my comp., need to come up with a name for it really., hmm. "Open the BIG Book of Name, Alfred", haha
Im a total dork if i would name my comp..
"What about Steve?"
"Hmm, might work. But then we need a name for the new Phone."
"Hmm, yes,.. we do."
Thats what im thinking about right now...,
I got Brittish old men like : Alfred, how looks like the man from the cafe ad, talking to that other old guy from that Ace Ventura- movie. Both in a livingroom smoking there pipes having tea.
som jag sa.. im BORED !

Enough of this humiliation..
Gina Over and Out !

1 kommentar:

  1. I MISS YOU!! DDD: YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY MAIL. And I got SKYPE on Ellikas computer and she says it okay for me to borrow, so I WILL DO THAT! Whenever you can, we have to come up with a skype-date.

    xoxoxoxox Jojo
