16 november 2011

The Ultimate Sex Count

I have a challenge for you - its an easy one.

Write up EVERYONE you have had SEX with.
Sounds easy now, doesnt it?

But here is the catch.
You have to try to remember name, age and
where you had sex.
(country/town or place)

Then everything else you remember is a bonus.
Be honest to yourself and remember that
no one will see what you have written down

-I realized I cant remember the name of only ONE guy.
-3 guys have had girlfriends and 1 has been married.
-The youngest was 19 and the oldest 42.
-I have sex on the beach, camping site, lookout point, in a van and car,
on the lawn, on the toilet of a pub,
and mostly in the same room as other people.
-Most guys have been from New Zealand/Australia and The UK
-The best sex Ive had is with a guy more then 10 years older then me
- all in average of 25-26 years of age
how did u go?

1 kommentar:

  1. Haha I won't do that one, I don't wanna know my number... ;) Only like a month ago I remembered a guy I've completely forgot about.. It was the funniest situation ever.. My cousin promised his friend he could stay in his flat a night, and someone also promised me that I could use the flat.. So there we were.. me and my cousins friend, both wasted after a night out, both promised the flat that night.. I haven't seen him since. Haha!:)
